About Us

Black Women In Business is an organization, “A Movement”, that is dedicated to developing the self-confidence, sisterhood and success of entrepreneurial black women of all ages.
Rose Chase Smith established BWIB in 2014 because she saw a need in her community and city: Austin, Texas. BWIB is a place for black business women to come together, for women to support women to either start or grow their own business and a place for women to gain more business knowledge, develop strong leadership skills, and build a network of diversity to help them succeed.
In 2017 BWIB established chapters in Killeen, San Antonio, and Dallas. Through the challenges of 2020, BWIB continued to support their communities with food drives, fund raisers and delivery services for seniors and at risk individuals. We are looking for great things to happen in the years to come.
The mission of Black Women In Business is to unite, educate and inspire businesswomen to excel in leadership and entrepreneurship. Black Women In Business is a 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Organization, that is committed to enriching lives, families and communities by providing tools for personal growth, productivity and profit. Black Women In Business is “A Movement” dedicated to a journey of self-confidence, sisterhood and success.

To transform the foundation and development of black businesses by educating and encouraging entrepreneurs.
Meet The Founders

Rose Smith
Rose Smith specializes in leadership, team building, marketing and turning passion into profit. Rose also has a drive to educate and empower all women. Over the years, Rose has developed the motto “You Mater”.
Rose has become an author, publisher, business coach and motivational speaker. She was blessed with access to the resource she needed to achieve her life goals and wanted to bring that access to others in a progressive, modern way. This has given rise to establishing BLACK WOMENT IN BUSINESS.
BWIB is about sharing with others and giving back to the community. Rose Chase Smith is honored to be able to share this spirit with you.

Charles Smith
Charles was born and raised in Austin, and has a special interest in seeing the black community come together. He understands that the mindset to beat the odds is an individual choice, but the journey also includes a team effort. Charles’ hope is that Black Men in Business and Black Women In Business will accept this philosophy and “change the game” for generations to come.
Charles has been in the Sales & Communications Industry for more than three decades, and has exceeded expectations in productivity and leadership. He has also been named to the Hall of Fame in Corporate America. He is currently employed at Grande Communications, and loves the work that he does. He believes that in order for us to be truly successful, we must love what we do.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith are happily married and reside in Austin, Texas and support each other in pursuing their life goals. They are parents to six amazing children. And, they all realize that they are blessed.