Black Women In Business

T.E.A.M Program

The Teen Entrepreneurs And Mentoring Program (TEAM Program) was created to tap into the entrepreneurial spirit of our youth.  Black Women In Business and Black Men In Business have joined forces to mentor, motivate and equip future entrepreneurs with the necessary skills to start and maintain their own business.  We recruit creative, talented and determined youth ages 12-18 to become a part of this amazing program.

TEAM meetings are held twice per month (on Saturdays) during the AISD school year.  The goal of the program is to develop the students in character, business etiquette, financial literacy, life skills, scholarship assistance and to provide mentoring support.  The program will include special events and field trips to corporations, businesses, colleges and universities.

The TEAM Program also provides classes for parents ranging from financial literacy, budgeting, credit and home buying workshops, health and wellness, parenting classes and more.  The intent of the program is to enhance families as a whole and encourage all participants to maximize their

Chairman Briana Murphy and her team welcome you and your youth to become a part of a ”game changing” program!

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